Good things...I feel like I am always in a rush. You know the feeling. But I found the Positivity Blog - a great resource that offers little bits of advice - how to slow down, how to remain positive, how not to be overwhelmed. It is worth subscribing and picking up a few tips!
Good people...My husband and I have been involved with the Rachel Carson Trails Conservancy for a few years now and have met some really great people. Let's face it, people interested in the environment and hiking are usually good people. Last weekend was the Challenge, a 34-mile-in-one day hike and I wrote about one of thos hikers last week (see previous blog). A friend of ours that we know on several levels also did the Challenge and we are so proud of him! Look how good he looks and he is hiking 34 miles! Joe and his wife will also be hosting Fair Play next week and I will blog more about that. Stay tuned!
Another friend of mine completed the half-challenge. She is a cancer survivor and one of the kindest people I have ever met. Marie, you rock!
Good times...Went to Hartwood Acres last night with my husband. For those of us lucky enough to live in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, we get to go to free outdoor concerts on Sunday evenings. Can't wait for Mary Chapin Carpenter on July 17th!