Good things, good people, good times all rolled into one...the Community Partner gathering for BeadforLife.
Those of you who know me, know that I am a volunteer with an amazing organization called BeadforLife (yes, all one word!). We recently had our semi-annual gathering in Boulder, Colorado and it was wonderful to see all of the lovely women (and one guy) who are community volunteers. (The photo is all of us on our last night together.)
If you don't know BeadforLife, please check us out. The organization was founded by three ladies who wanted to help the women in Uganda. (The photo above is me with one of the founders, Torkin). We empower these women by providing them with a viable way to earn a living while teaching them lifeskills to lift themselves and their families out of extreme poverty.
When you start looking for holiday gifts (no it isn't too early), I urge you to look at gifts that give two-fold such as BeadforLife.
And why you are at it, why not volunteer in honor of someone you love as well?