Thursday, February 19, 2015

Eating healthier

As the mother of a rescue dog, I started thinking about eating animal products. I've been a vegetarian for four years and find myself moving more and more towards a total vegan diet. There are many reasons to eat a plant-based diet and to be honest, mine is mainly health. But I also like the fact that I am not eating any animal - none. If I would rescue a dog, why would I eat a dead chicken, pig or cow? This is a personal decision and I'm not trying to "push" a type of diet on anyone, but if you have thought about eating healthier for any reason and moving towards a more plant-based diet, even just every once in a while, check out this fun website with my product review.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Down and out....

I made a promise to myself that I would blog more in the New Year. There are so many positive things happening in our world and too often, all we hear are the bad things. But like many good intentions, I kept putting it off and putting it off. I didn't even have a good excuse because I was off my feet - quite literally - with foot surgery. It was a bit of a drag being on crutches through the holidays, but I knew my foot would be stronger in the end and there were so many more things much more serious than that. I would get better!

For someone as independent as I am, depending on others was difficult at times. Making it possible was the love and support of my friends and family who provided meals, rides and most of all, just support. Two of the most important people in my life, my husband and my "baby" were amazing. I truly couldn't have done it without them helping me from everything from getting dressed, getting around, making meals and taking care of the house. Top kudos to Paul and Cole - good, good guys! I love you so much.

Where would we be without our family and friends?